540-940-7914 (Main Office Number)
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7664; Fredericksburg, VA 22404

Our employees work remotely with flex hours and look forward to hearing from you. If urgent – please call. However, emails are appreciated. 

Executive Director

Candice Armstrong

To learn more about Virginia Community Food Connections, please contact Candice
Director of Incentive Programs

Beth Austin

Contact Beth with your questions about the SNAP and Virginia Fresh Match Nutrition Incentive Program (VFM) at area farmers markets.

We also have an amazing team of Token Operators who work directly with customers at farmers markets, which keeps our Virginia Fresh Match program running.

Board of Directors

Samantha Shoukas, President

George Solley, Vice President

Bill Brooks, Secretary

Dr. Ernest Ackermann, Treasurer

Christine Thompson, Director

Pat Seaton, Director

To contact any member of VCFC’s Board of Directors:

540-940-7914 – to leave a message
Mailing address: P.O. Box 7664; Fredericksburg, VA 22404